Monday, September 14, 2009


About an hour ago, I got off the phone with Mr. Raul Hernandez, President of the Mexican Chess Federation (FENAMAC), who informed me that he lifted the 60-hotel room block so that members of the American and Canadian delegations can make their reservations immediately.

He asked me to call the Hotel Olas Atlas Inn in order to verify, which I did. Both staff and Mr. Raul Hernandez stated the same.

It is for this reason that I ask that you register today or tomorrow at the latest.

We have about 20-interested parents from the United States and about 5-Canadians, it is for this reason that you should make reservations today. DAVID ZENG INFORMED ME THAT THE FOLLOWING NUMBER WORKS BETTER THAN THE NUMBER WE GAVE YOU IN ORDER TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS: USA TOLL FREE 1-888-305-2201

If you are waiting to find out if you are an official representative or not, you risk not reserving a room. Once the USCF posts its official representatives, and you do not wish to attend because you were not an official - I can have those reservations cancelled so that others may utilize them. It is preferable that we overbook instead of coming short.

Once the USCF informs me of the official representative list, I will inform the hotel. If you are not an official representative and you wish to go, at least you have your reservations and will not find yourself without a room.

Today, Mr. Chuck Lovingood, provided me with the emails of those interested in participating. I will communicate with you directly via email.

If you are now registering with USCF, please inform me so that I can have you on my email list as well.

Last but not least, the picture above of the sunset over Mazatlan, the building you see is called "VALENTINOS" it is a famous night club in the city. The Hotel Olas Atlas is about a block away from that location in front of the ocean.

Abed Munoz
USCF Head of Delegation
North American Youth Championship 2009

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