Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This morning I read an interesting article on Susan Polgar's Blog, concerning the eduactional level in the United Sates when compared with the 30-most advanced nations on earth. Actually, I commend Susan for posting such a controversial article on her blog, since it illustrates the lack of math and science skills hispanics as well as blacks have in comparison to white students. Needless to say, white students in the article faired better but do not win the "Brilliancy Award".

We, the Munoz family, are hispanic and not even in the least do we feel offended by the article ( because we know the content is true.

Hispanics are not "dumb" because we are hispanics, their are certain cultural traits that we must overcome in order to raise up to meet the educational standards of the United States. In our family, by this I mean my wife and I, both our parents immigrated to the United States, in their youth, from Mexico in order to achieve the American dream. Both of our parents, except my father, but that is three out of four parents in our family, finished high school.

My wife was the first one to graduate from high school and I the first to have a college degree. We had generations in our family where education lacked. However, we are the first to homeschool and provide our children with an above average education, even when compared with white students.

This morning, I read the article on Susan's blog and we all sat down to discuss it. It gave my wife and I the opportunity to instill in our two daughters a vision we ourselves remotely had as children.

Their is a problem in our school systems and they require people with the vision to carry them out, we must call it as it is and let us be honest - that is difficult.

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